Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Influence of the Media in Shaping the Publics...

The Influence of the Media in Shaping the Publics Understanding of Crime With the rise of the mass media throughout the world, predominantly the Western world, the issue of media influence has become a serious one. Due to media’s primary obsession with crime and violence, it definitely has a negative influence on shaping peoples understanding of crime by exaggerating it. A branch of media which always exaggerates on some crime e.g. terrorist attacks then other crimes is TV news this is basically an oxymoron; giving us the skin of the truth stuffed with a lie. TV news broadcasts use dramatic, usually violent stories and images to capture and maintain an audience, under the pretence of keeping it†¦show more content†¦It is clear that crime constitutes a major realm of societal concern. Initial focus in this essay will be on how influential media is on peoples understanding of crime through exaggeration. The subject of Cohen’s and Hall et al work on moral panic will be largely touched upon. A basic understanding Wilkins theory would be mentioned, finally a conclusion would be drawn up. Maguire (2002) Mass media representations of crime, deviance, and disorder have been a returning cause of concern. Two competing anxieties can be discerned in public debate, and both are reflected in a large research literature. On one hand the media are often seen as fundamentally subversive, on the other as a more or less subtle form of social control. Those who see the media as subversive see media representation or crime themselves as a significant cause of offending. This has been a constantly recurring theme. A different concern about media representation of crime has worried liberals and radicals. To them the media are the cause not of crime itself but of exaggerated public alarm about law and order, generating support for repressive solutions. Cohen (1972) â€Å"states the fundamental theme of the radicalShow MoreRelatedMedia and The Agenda Setting Theory1337 Words   |  5 PagesDespite the right to one’s innocence preceding a fair and public trial, the indicted typically receives mass media coverage, making the individual susceptible to the opinion’s of the public. This is especially true in the case of a renowned individual, such as a celebrity or politician. The media’s coverage of the news, prior to a fair hearing, results in public scrutiny of subjects. Media involvement generates public uproar , frequently resulting in the condemning of the accused preceding their rightRead MoreDiscuss the Influence of Press and Media in Shaping the Publics Fear About Crime. Use Examples from Recent Press and Media Coverage of Crime to Illustrate Your Answer.1861 Words   |  8 PagesDiscuss the influence of press and media in shaping the publics fear about crime. 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