Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Civil Engineering for Global Air Circulation-

Question: Discuss about theCivil Engineering for Global Air Circulation. Answer: Subtropical Ridge is a belt of atmospheric pressure located at latitude 30?N and 30?S and results from Hadley Cell which is a global air circulation. It is characterized by calm winds which reduce the quality of air under its axis through causing fog overnight and haze during daytime. These variations are caused by stability in the atmosphere near its location(Postawa, 2012). ENSO, El Nino-Southern Oscillation is a periodic variation in the temperatures of the surface of the sea and the winds over the tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean. This variation brings a lot of effects to the subtropics and tropics. The variations in the temperature are such that there is a warming phase of the sea temperature, known as El Nino and the cooling phase of the very sea temperature known as La Nina. The occurrence of El Nino results in a lot of energy for the formation of storms in places where they occur(Bunn, 2011). It as well brings effects to wind shear, defined as the blowing of air currents at lower altitudes in a different direction from the winds causing them. Cut-Off Low is a low system of pressure that usually develops in the south of South Africa and stems from the westerly trough systems of cold air. The pressure begins as a trough in the upper-air flow which then becomes closed circulation thereby extending low to the surface of the ground(Shaw, 2015). A cut-off low is defined more or less using concentric isotherms that form around the core of the low. Evapotranspiration is a derivative of two terms: evaporation and transpiration. Whereas evaporation defines the rate loss of water from the surface of the land, transpiration refers to the loss of water through the structures of vegetation(Swartzendruber, 2011). Factors affecting evapotranspiration The extent of vegetation cover: The amount of direct evaporation from the surface of the land is directly influenced by the extent of the ground cover of the surrounding. The rate of loss of water is low for the case of crops that completely cover the surface of the soil hence low rate of evaporation in such plants. Climatic factors: Solar energy emits solar radiation which supplies the energy needed for evapotranspiration(Moene, 2014). Wind helps in carrying away water vapor from the surface of plants. Generally, the factors affecting evaporation and transpiration are the very factors which control the process of evapotranspiration. Method of planting: The manners in which plants are planted determine the rate of evapotranspiration. The orientation of plants in relation o the sun determines the interception of solar energy by the rows of plants. Cropping and irrigating the surrounding fields lowers the rate of water loss as compared to having barer surrounding(Postawa, 2012). Soil characteristics: Among such characteristics as soil heat capacity, albedo and soil chemistry affect the rate of evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is primarily a factor of the availability of solar energy to vaporize water and thus a high amount of solar energy translates to higher evapotranspiration rates. Evapotranspiration is highest during the summer seasons of the year when there is a lot of solar radiation(Mogosi, 2017). During that time, the rate of evapotranspiration exceeds the rate of precipitation in both the middle and high altitude landmass areas. Stream Discharge is determined by finding the product of its velocity, the depth of the water and the width using the equation Discharge= V*D*W where V-velocity, D-Depth, W-width of water Multiplying the depth and the width gives the cross-sectional area. Problem 4: Standards for sampling water quality AS/NZS 5667.4:1998-Water Quality Sampling-Guidance on sampling from natural, man-made and lakes(Goya, 2013) AS/NZS 5667.6: 1998-Water Quality Sampling- Guidance on sampling of rivers and streams AS/NZS 5667.1: 1998-Guidance on the design of sampling program, sampling techniques and the preservation and handling of samples. Importance of adhering to standards in water quality sampling practice Adhering to the standards of water quality sampling helps in ensuring that the quality of surface water is maintained and protected from pollution during sampling. This is achieved by ensuring that all the safety measures are kept in place and no harm is introduced into the water systems even as the process of water quality sampling continues(Swartzendruber, 2011). Unconfined aquifers are water bodies unto which the seeping of water occurs from the surface of the ground directly above the aquifer. It occurs when the groundwater is in direct contact with the atmosphere via the open pore spaces of the soil or rock overlying the groundwater. The upper groundwater in the unconfined aquifer is known as the water table whose depth depends up such factors as geology, tidal effects, topography and the season besides the amount of water being pumped into the aquifers(Battersby, 2016). Discharging of unconfined aquifers occur through stream water or rain that infiltrates directly via the overlying soil. Among the examples of unconfined aquifers include alluvial deposits along the river valleys and the coastal sands. Unconfined aquifers are the main locations for groundwater recharge, shallow and can easily be reached by the local settlers in a very cheap manner. In this regard, more care is needed to ensure that the sustainable goals of the management process are met. Due to their high exposure levels, unconfined aquifers are prone to harm and pollution from the human population making their sustainable management different from the confined aquifers. In confined aquifers, a rock layer that does not transmit water overlays the stratum that bears water making it completely impossible for the water to seep the rock layers(Boyd, 2012). The chosen river for this task is Macalister River located in Thomson Basin as described in the details below. Macalister River is the best choice due to its nature of duration of flow. It started flowing in 1919 and has been experience a daily continuous flow to date. It has a range of data from which it is possible to make numerous comparisons. Details Site no. 225204 Zone 55 Easting/Northing 482885.000/5805021.000 Latitude 3754'07.4"S Longitude 14648'19.2"E Site commence 27/03/1919 Site ceased Zero gauge 47.015 Datum AHD Control ARTIFICIAL CONCRETE WEIR Cease to flow level 0.170 Maximum gauged level 6.380 Maximum gauge date 16/09/1993 Catchment area 1891sq. km Gaugings 549 gaugings between 23/01/1924 and 07/09/2017 References Battersby, S. (2016). Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health. New York: Routledge. Boyd, C. E. (2012). Water Quality: An Introduction. Kansas: Springer Science Business Media. Bunn, M. I. (2011). Vadose Zone Response to Pumping in Unconfined Aquifers. Chicago: University of Waterloo. Finley, S. (2016). Sustainable Water Management in Smallholder Farming: Theory and Practice. New York: CABI. Goya, M. R. (2013). Evapotranspiration: Principles and Applications for Water Management. New York: CRC Press. Moene, A. F. (2014). Transport in the Atmosphere-Vegetation-Soil Continuum. Chicago: Cambridge University Press. Mogosi, D. (2017). Assessment of Land Use Changes and Its Effect on Stream Discharge in Nanyuki River Watershed: A Research Project. London: GRIN Publishing. Postawa, A. (2012). Best Practice Guide on Sampling and Monitoring of Metals in Drinking Water. New York: IWA Publishing. Shaw, E. M. (2015). Hydrology in Practice, Fourth Edition. New York: CRC Press. Swartzendruber, D. (2011). Physical Aspects of Soil Water and Salts in Ecosystems. Manchester: Springer Science Business Media.

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