Friday, February 28, 2020

Creating the Decision Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Creating the Decision Environment - Essay Example Groupthink occurs when the group is highly cohesive and when they are pressured to make better decisions .this occurs when pressure from the unanimity seem to be more influential. Additionally, the group pressure leads to carelessness and irrational thought since the groups experiencing the considerable group thinking fails to take the alternative as they seek to maintain unanimity. Most decisions that are shaped by group thinking have a lower probability of achieving successful results. Group thinking has become a consequential phenomenon that occurs because of the desired groups being in a consensus and therefore overriding the people’s common sense. The desire to represent the alternative and assessing critically the position, at the same time expressing the unpopular view of the group. The desires of the group that come into a common cohesion cause a very effective drive upon a good decision making strategy and an appropriate style to solve any arising problems. When pressures for unanimity seem overwhelming, members are less motivated to reasonably consider the alternative courses of action available to them.  These group pressures lead to carelessness and irrational thinking since groups experiencing groupthink fail to consider all alternatives and seek to maintain unanimity. In fact, groupthink is not commonly recognized in that Groupthink is a behavior that is found in some situations or even across several types of groups in the team settings. It is therefore important to look out for the key symptoms as group thinking involves the following symptoms: After a number of successes the group starts feeling like any decision that they make is the best and the most right one because of the common disagreement from any other source. The brainstorming technique has helped in allowing the ideas to flow freely with no disapproval. Peer pressure expresses itself in and opposing opinion of the team members and questions that are rationale behind their

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Marketing E-Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing E-Business - Essay Example The e-businesses should adopt a differentiating strategy. They should differentiate the services that they offer and create a whole new experience that they should offer to the end users of their product. As the new technology emerges, the e-businesses need to catch up with the technology and they also need to innovate and focus on their customers. The e-businesses need to keep their core focus as their customers. They need to offer value-added services to the customers that no other portal or B2C business is offering. In providing the consumers with these value added services, the e-businesses should also consider the fact that these value-added services are also agreed upon by the sponsors. The e-businesses need sponsors as well to support them which, again is an important factor to consider for the e-businesses. Thus, in short, what the e-businesses need to focus on is creating their own brands, focusing on the customers needs, providing them with a total new experience not offered by others, providing value added services and also taking along the sponsors agreement. Google's strategy of brokering of media types is a unique strategy that no other competitors of Google have adopted up till yet. This strategy is inline to what Google actually need to define its brand in the way. The strategy will help Google continue with what it actually does and will support the running strategy of Google. Google's strategy that it has adopted is an effective and an efficient one. The actual strategy of Google is targeting its target audience in small market niches. When Google will acquire YouTube then this will result in the ability for Google to cover the market niches and advertise more effectively. Advertising issues relating to Google will probably come to an end and Google will be able to advertise its upcoming value added services to its customers in a more efficient way. This strategy of Google is a 'differentiating strategy' that will help Google differentiate itself from its competitors. Especially in the U.S., this strategy has not been adopted by any of the competitors of Google. The media industry and Google has good ties. This is evident from the Google Ads that we see on every other site and almost all the websites support Google in it's this strategy. Thus, the strategy of brokering of media types is an effective strategy that will help Google differentiate itself from its competitors and Google can achieve a uniqueness competency through this strategy. The strategy also serves as a solution to the media ads and advertising problems of Google and also is inline with Google's current strategy. 3. What must a brick and mortar company do to transform its strategy when it decides to transform into an e-Business Brick & Mortar Company Transforms to E-Business -Strategy Transformation When a brick and mortar company decides to transform into an e-business, the first and foremost thing it needs to do is project its target audience and then change its strategy according to the type its target audien